Ok it does not look good! From what I am seeing 5G is supposed to be in effect by 2020. They plan on eliminating cash and everyone will be required to get an RFID chip. Your chip will be your money. In Revelation 13:17 it says the false prophet requires everyone to receive a mark Read More…

The Matrix

I know it may be hard to believe, but the movie the Matrix is becoming a reality. Sophia is an AI robot that has been hooked into the Internet. Thus giving control of the internet to AI. All that has to happen is for the world to go cashless, and then the internet can take Read More…

5G changes everything

I had no idea? Like so many others in today’s society I did not realize what is really going on. What I am speaking of is 5G. This is a new technology that will change everything. It is fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Previously I said the mark would be implemented at the mid-point of the Read More…

One world government

To achieve a one-world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas. The goal of the global elite is simple. To have a two-class system where the underclass is forced to live as slaves in tiny enclosed cities, while the elite Read More…

More prophecy fullfilled

Did you know that Iran has established a military base just 35 miles from the Israel border. We are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy once again. In Ezekiel 38 God predicted the 3 nations of Russia, Turkey, and Iran would come together. Putin just held a conference on 11/12/17 with these other nations and they Read More…