super humans

What the future holds for us is somewhat frightening. Science is working to alter our DNA to create a new bread of humans. It’s called Trans-humanism. Trans-humanism is a “futuristic” philosophy which celebrates the potential of advanced technologies to augment human functioning to unprecedented degrees Although it’s not so futuristic any more. Ushering in a Read More…

Jesus Loves You!

Life as a christian is not always easy but its worth the reward. You can live it up now and spend eternity in Hell or make some sacrifices now and spend eternity in Heaven. Besides God provides even in this life! I choose Jesus!!! I hope you will also!

Bible is true

There are many ways to verify the reliability of scripture from both internal evidences of transmission and agreement, to external confirmation through archeology and science. But perhaps the most persuasive argument can be found in the area of prophecy. If a book accurately and repeatedly predicts the future, it can safely be said that something Read More…

Role of Males

The world is changing its view of men. Men are expected to be more feminine and open-minded to gender changes. I found this on you-tube! The world is redefing the meaning of Love. Now Love is: Acceptance of all false religions Tolerance of all sinful behavior Tolerance of false doctrines Refusal to rebuke or expose evil Read More…

Wake up

Those at Cern believe they can create like God and they are in control but make no mistake God is in charge of this all. Our earthly realm can not change the spirit realm. When heaven and earth are destroyed there will be no mistaking who sent the destruction.

Possible Rapture?

YouTube videos made a claim for the rapture on Sept 23, 2017 and it did not happen but now they claim it will be Nov 3, 2017. I am not sure there will be a rapture before the end of the tribulation for Jesus said in Mathew 24:29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the Read More…

Mark of the Beast

I am seeing a popular false teaching on YouTube. They claim that Sunday worship is the mark of the Beast. This is WRONG! Yes, in the old testament Saturday was the sabbath, but because of Jesus we are no longer under old testament law. We are under a new law given by Christ in the Read More…